You can download individual data from the links below. Some of the files have been compressed for faster download. Some of the files may be loo large to access via MS Excel, as they exceed the number of rows allowed. To download a file, click on the highlighted text and it will open access in a new tab.
As is described in the report, the PSA-with-directivity values were computed by multiplying the PSA-with-no-directivity by the Directivity Amplification Factor corresponding to Vs30=760m/s. There are some sites in the North-West part of the state were PSA-with-directivity was computed for all Vs30 cases. As a result, you will find additional datasets and maps for these sites.
Note T=-1 corresponds to PGV, peak ground velocity.
Project Data
Site Data Table — this table provides the id and location of each site (Latitude and Longitude), the Vs30, Z1.0 and Z2.0 values used for each case, as well as the site-specific Vs30, Z1.0 and Z2.5 values if available. This table also let you know if the site is on land or not.
Site Data Table with UHS COV data — this table provides additional site data related to the UHS COV computed for each site. (See reports)
Hazard Curves
These tables provides Hazard Curves (IM vs Annual Rate of Exceedance) for each site, Vs30, and period. Each vector, IM or annual rate, is contained in a single cell. One row for each site, Vs30, and period.
PSA No Directivity : PSA vs Annual Rate. These hazard curves do not include directivity effects and are for the baseline for all cases
PSA With Directivity : PSA vs Annual Rate. These hazard curves were computed using the weighted directivity model
PSA With Directivity — Directivity Models : PSA vs Annual Rate. This table provides the hazard curves for each directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Annual Rate. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model. A lower bound of 1.0 was applied to these data
Directivity Amplification Ratio No Lower Bound : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Annual Rate. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio — Directivity Models : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Annual Rate. for each directivity model.
UHS Response Spectra
These tables provide Uniform-Hazard Spectra (IM vs Period) for each site, Vs30, and return period. Note, in the tables, the Vs30 corresponding to the UHS is the one given by Vs30Case. The site-specific values, VsSS is also provided as a reference.
PSA No Directivity : PSA vs Period. These spectra do not include directivity effects and are for the baseline for all cases
PSA With Directivity : PSA vs Period. These spectra were computed using the weighted directivity model
PSA With Directivity — Directivity Models : PSA vs Period. This table provides the spectra for each directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model. A lower bound of 1.0 was applied to these data
Directivity Amplification Ratio No Lower Bound : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio — Directivity Models — Directivity Models : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period. for each directivity model.
Click here to access the folder that stores all response-spectra plots that were generated for this project. Each file is for a site, Vs30, and IM. The following IMs are included in this folder:
PSA-with-directivity & PSA-with-no-directivity in one plot (_Spectra in the filenames)
Directivity-amplification factor (_DirRatio in the filenames): a lower bound of 1.0 was imposed to this ratio
Directivity-amplification factor with no lower bound (_DirRatio in the filenames)
IM Maps — JPG
Click here to access the folder that stores all the maps that were generated for this project in jpg format. Each map plots an IM for all sites, such as PSA values at an oscillator period, Vs30, and return period.
This folder contains 3 subfolders for PSA, 3 subfolder for Directivity Amplification Ratio, and 1 folder for project data. The csv files in this folder will direct you to the filenames if you are looking for a specific case.
IM Maps — Tables
The IM-Maps data can be accessed in csv format. Each file contains an IM for all sites, such as PSA values at an oscillator period, Vs30, and return period. The tables are grouped in individual folders for each IM:
PSA No Directivity : PSA vs Period. These spectra do not include directivity effects and are for the baseline for all cases
PSA With Directivity : PSA vs Period. These spectra were computed using the weighted directivity model
PSA With Directivity — Directivity Models : PSA vs Period. This table provides the spectra for each directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model. A lower bound of 1.0 was applied to these data
Directivity Amplification Ratio No Lower Bound : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period. The amplification factor in these hazard curves corresponds to the weighted directivity model
Directivity Amplification Ratio — Directivity Models — Directivity Models : PSA_Dir/PSA_noDir vs Period for each directivity model.