Risk-Benefit Methodology and Application: Some Papers Presented at the Engineering Foundation Workshop

Publication Date September 22-26, 1975, Asilomar, California

Prepared for the National Science Foundation under Grants GI-39416 and OEP75-20318

This report represents one aspect of a National Science Foundation funded study at UCLA entitled, "A General Evaluation Approach to Risk-Benefit for Large Technological Systems and Its Application to Nuclear Power," (NSF Grant GI-39416). The objectives of this project can be defined to include the following:

To make significant strides in the provision of improved bases or criteria for decision-making involving risk to the public health and safety (where a risk involves a combination of a hazard and the probability of that hazard).
To make significant strides in the structuring and development of improved, and possibly alternative, general methodologies for assessing risk and risk-benefit for technological systems.
To develop improvements in the techniques for the quantitative assessment of risk and benefit.
To apply methods of risk and risk-benefit assessment to specific applications in nuclear power (and possibly other technological systems) in order to test·methodologies, to uncover needed improvements and gaps in technique and to provide a partial selective, independent assessment of the levels of risk arising from nuclear power.

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