By: Camila Correa-Jullian, Joachim Grimstad, Spencer August Dugan, Marilia Ramos, Christoph A. Thieme, Andrey Morozov, Ingrid B. Utne, and Ali Mosleh
DOI: 10.34948/G4MW2N
IWASS 2023 took place on September 2nd and 3rd in Southampton, United Kingdom, and gathered 39 participants from 30 organizations from around the globe. In addition, a panel session at the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023) discussed the workshop's main conclusions and additional points with a larger audience. This report summarizes IWASS 2023 discussions. It provides an overview of the main points raised by a community of experts on the status of autonomous systems SRS. It also outlines research directions for safer, more reliable, and secure autonomous systems of the future.